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Dermaplaning Aftercare

Your skin will look and feel stunning after your session, but to ensure it looks and feels this way long after, be sure to follow these steps!

What To Do:

Wear Quality SPF

Queenstown is a rough climate. Keep your skin protected with a good SPF will ensure your skin is well protected.


Drink plenty of water, but also ensure you are hydrating your skin with quality skincare.

Serums with high levels of hyaluronic acid are recommended. 

Make-Up Application

You'll notice a difference with how smoothly your make-up now applies. Use light / mineral make-up, or stock up on the  Curtis Collection to avoid clogging your pores.

What NOT To Do:

Work Up a Sweat

Best to let your skin breathe for a good 24 hours before you work out. Sweating can be beneficial, but right now it'll ruin our hard work.


We've already exfoilated for you! No need to scrub your skin raw with textured cleansers or enzyme peels. You'll only be damaging live skincells.

Soaking up the Sun

Even with good SPF on keep out of prolonged, direct sun exposure. We understand wanting a tan, but let's avoid tomato territory!

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